If you’re interested in learning more about a packaging US company, then you should consider visiting its offices in New York. The main office for North America is located in the Big Apple, and the brand new show room there shows off the company’s technical capabilities and quality endeavors. The company’s products are manufactured right here in the United States. To learn more, visit their website. There, you can browse through their products and get a feel for what sets them apart from the competition.

Founded in 1959, New York Packaging was one of the first U.S. companies to extrude polyethylene film. It later transformed into a pure-play distributor with innovative global sourcing practices and alliances with plastic manufacturing pioneers in Asia. Today, the company has a patented line of plastic films, and sells flexible packaging solutions to blue chip customers. The company has been in business for more than 50 years and is headquartered in Long Island, NY. Recently, BASE, a global investment firm, acquired the company from its founder.
The company has three US Centres of Excellence and employs over 800 professionals nationwide. It also has a global network of distributors. Its operations encompass all of its products, including those sourced from Asia. The company also has patented products and an innovative global sourcing model. In addition to its manufacturing facilities, the company provides flexible packaging solutions to blue chip companies. The New York Packaging headquarters is located in Long Island, NY and was acquired by BASE in partnership with the CEO.
The company has expanded its operations and created a 215,000-square-foot manufacturing site. The new plant will be engaged in the manufacture, distribution, and printing of packaging products. The new plant will be located on Beaver Road in Chili, New York, within the Greater Rochester area. The company chose this location because of the availability of skilled labour and top talent. The state has also offered incentives to attract businesses to the area. There are many reasons to invest in the manufacturing and logistics sector in the state of New York.
The American Packaging Corporation is a US-based multinational packaging company. It is headquartered in Long Island, NY and has more than 800 employees. In addition to the US headquarters, it has three Centres of Excellence in the country. In addition to the New York-based headquarters, it has a worldwide distribution network and employs more than eighty people. Its facilities are equipped with advanced technology and are located on Long Island.
The US packaging company has a long history in the region. The company was one of the first companies to produce polyethylene film in the U.S. It has a global sourcing model and patented products. The US packaging company is located on Long Island, NY. It has a global reach and is a key component of the local economy. There are several US packaging companies in New York. These corporations have an excellent reputation and will thrive in the region.